lundi 4 février 2013

Should You Buy Silver Bullion or Join Numis Network?

By Scott Shimberg

[]You have probably been hearing about gold and silver bullion lately, especially on TV. The higher end channels have been telling people to buy gold and silver and the lower end channels have been telling you to send your metals in a little envelope and they may send you a check. So, what to do and also what is Numis Network and what does it have to do with this topic? Read on for these answers and more..

What is Silver Bullion?

Silver bullion can be bars or rounds (coins) that are pure silver or 90% or higher in silver. The purity does not matter as much as the actual amount in weight of silver in the product. For example the American silver eagle is .999 pure silver but what is more important to know is that it is one ounce of silver. Silver bullion is being purchased by folks that believe in a currency crisis and think that times are going to get worse before they get better, thereby a "hedge" against the dollar.

What is Numis Network?

Numis Network is a network marketing company that has gold and silver as their product. Specifically, they deal in gold and silver graded coins. These are coins that have been certified and graded by a third party company as to their authenticity and condition. The main product of Numis Network is modern issued Mint state 70 graded government issued gold and silver coins. The collectible coin or Numismatic industry is a $100 billion industry. Prior to Numis Network, this had never been attempted in a network marketing company.

So, why do people Join Numis Network?

People who join Numis Network are typically looking for an additional income, tax advantages or to win some lifestyle rewards like cruises, cars, etc. Buying silver bullion cannot directly offer any of those things.

Why do people REALLY buy Silver Bullion?

It is an investment. Again, predicting the collapse of the dollar would be a good reason to diversify and have some precious metals. But, let's dig a little deeper. Why do people really invest, in anything? Well, it is the pursuit of more money, right? The pursuit to leverage a smaller amount of money into a larger amount of money. Keep digging..why do people want larger amounts of money? For a few reasons, 1) It gives security. 2) It creates options and 3) It can, if used wisely, create more freedom in ones life. So, in a nut shell, people buy silver bullion to create a better lifestyle. Did you know that silver bullion held for over a year is NOT taxed at the standard 15% capital gain but at 28%? It is also impossible to create a passive income with silver bullion.

What about Gold and Silver Bullion in an MLM? Perfect World or Potential Problem?

If you like bullion and you like passive income, well, why not just have a network marketing company use bullion as the product? If you had that idea, don't worry, so have a lot of other people. Historically there have been 9 other companies that have attempted to do bullion in a network marketing company, all with a 100% failure rate for varying reasons. It is actually not illegal to do bullion as a product in a network marketing company but the problem comes in with two very specific areas.

1) Profit margins and prices charged on commodities

2) Compensating non-licensed folks on commodities

The biggest problem is number one. There is very little profit margin in bullion. It is extremely competitive and any "price adjustment" to create profit in a product highly scrutinized and regulated, well, historically has not fared well for the past gold and silver bullion mlm's.

Are Numis Network Coins Overpriced?

The numismatic industry, according to the American Numismatics Association (ANA), is a $100 billion a year industry. Larger than the pet industry and an average of $11 million an hour is sold in collectible coins each hour. So, the smarter question is, does Numis Network have competitive prices in this industry? Here are some examples:

Example 1: 2011 MS70 Silver American Eagle Anniversary Edition (1 Ounce of Silver) - Apmex Price - $189.99 - Numis Price to members - $139.95

Example 2: 2010 PR70 Silver Disabled Veteran (1 ounce of silver) - Govmint Price - $149 - Numis price to members - $129

Example 3: 2011 5 Piece 25th Anniversary Set (each 1 ounce of MS 70 silver coins) - Home Shopping Network Price - $2199.95 - Numis Price to Members - $1999

You can also check pricing on graded gold and silver at First Federal, ShopNBC, Franklinmint, as well as the three mentioned above. Numis Network is NOT the low price leader of every coin ever minted but all in all, the prices are competitive.

Another Consideration

[]Bullion is more volatile than Numismatic coins but that does NOT mean we are anti-bullion, quite contrary actually. But something that Numis Network offers makes it a no-brainer: a 5-year buyback guarantee on their coins shipped through autoship. That means if you are unhappy with your coins or coin values 5 years after you receive them, you can sell them back to Numis for 100% of what you paid. Now, most places that sell silver bullion will buy your coins back, but at the market price. So, if Silver dropped significantly, the bullion companies would NOT pay you what you paid but what the market is at the time you want to sell.

If you want to learn more about Numis Network, let us know, we'd be happy to answer any questions.

Until the Next Time

Scott & Heidi

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