jeudi 7 février 2013

Burgeoning Global Spirituality Portends Great Changes

By Alyce Larson

There have been many changes from the world our parents and grandparents knew. Apart from changes in available technology, increasing global spirituality attests to major changes in attitudes worldwide, possibly equal to the great advances in electronics and with profound implications. When the world was fighting Nazism, it would have been impossible to foresee these changes, although they might have seemed desirable.

In fact, spiritual thought is fast becoming mainstream, with even the United Nations getting in on the act and many organizations are advocating a worldwide spiritual rapprochement. When the divisiveness that was paramount until fairly recently in all things spiritual is considered, this can be regarded as a truly remarkable trend, A spirit of togetherness was often advocated in the past, but it was not expected to become so prominent so soon.

Of course, there are still some groups clinging to the old ways. This will probably continue to be so for the majority of established religions, as fundamental changes in established dogma would be required to entrench change. No doubt some fanatics will still be around, convinced there is only one right way, and prepared to go to extremes to support their views. Hopefully, there numbers will become fewer as some means of accommodation is found.

Such fanatics are useful in that they draw attention to the need for fundamental changes, undermining their own objectives. Complete agreement about everything is neither possible nor desirable, but tolerance is certainly achievable. Of course, there will always be a number of total bigots, but even they simply add to the diversity in human society, while being unlikely to be able to exert any substantial influence.

As with the rate of technological change, the change in spiritual attitudes has been breathtaking. It is difficult to predict where all these changes are leading, but all spiritually aware people will be watching future developments with interest. It still has to be seen whether the rate of development will peak, or simply transform into startling new directions.

Judging from past experiences, all that is possible to say that the changes will be small individually, with a huge cumulative impact. This is why it is so hard to predict how it will all come out. The gradual changes tend to develop a momentum of their own and accomplish previously unimaginable changes in attitudes.

Certainly, not all communities are participating equally in these changes, Some people are driving change, which then filters down through the various layers of humanity. Even the most backward eventually respond, so that the whole of humanity does change. The leaders direct the changes, with everybody else left to catch up as best they can.

In this respect Muslim fundamentalism could be viewed as a natural but transient reaction to the growth in global spirituality. While its actions are extreme, it is quite likely that they will diminish as they are overtaken by the new world order. There will always be resistance to change, but viewed historically, it very seldom has succeeded. The world has glimpsed the future, and it looks great.

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