mercredi 27 mars 2013

best penetration testing linux distributions : part 1

Since beginning 2012 BackTrack had been as used by above a number of trillion beginner and specialist protection experts and professionals. Definitely it's very well-known but you'll find some other Linux pentesting distributions! Like a beneficial plumber wants their tools therefore really does the particular future pentester or curious hacking geek. Not just really does every single facts protection specialist need to utilize a new puncture screening distro but nearly all training demands that you just operate together tools applied within a linux container.

1- BackTrack 5r3

backtrack 5r3 penetration testing linux distributions
The mamma or best known of linux pentesting distros. BackTrack has a very cool strapline: “The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.” That just sounds cool….
BackTrack is based on the ever-popular Ubuntu. The pentesting distro used to be only available within a KDE environment but Gnome become was added as an option with the release of BackTrack v5. For those working in Information Security or intrusion detection, BackTrack is one of the most popular pentesting distros that can run on a live CD or flash drive. The distribution is ideal for wireless cracking, exploiting, web application assessment, learning, or social-engineering a client.
Listed here is a directory many of the amazing equipment easily obtainable in BackTrack 5r3 (the most current release).
To identify Live Hosts:
dnmap – Distributed NMap
address6 – (which acts as a IPV6 address conversion)
Information Gathering Analysis (Social Engineering)
Jigsaw – Grabs information about company employees
Uberharvest – Email harvester
sslcaudit – SSL Cert audit
VoIP honey – VoIP Honeypot
urlcrazy – Detects URL typos used in typo squatting, url hijacking, phishing
Web Crawlers
Apache_users – Apache username enumerator
Deblaze – Performs enumeration and interrogation against Flash remote end points
Database Analysis
Tnscmd10g – Allows you to inject commands into Oracle
BBQSQL – Blind SQL injection toolkit
* If you are interested in Database Security see our Hacker Halted summary here.

Bluetooth Analysis
Blueranger – Uses link quality to locate Bluetooth devices
Vulnerability Assessment
Lynis – Scans systems & software for security issues
DotDotPwn – Directory Traversal fuzzer
Exploitation Tools
Netgear-telnetable – Enables Telnet console on Netgear devices
Termineter – Smart Meter tester
Htexploit – Tool to bypass standard directory protection
Jboss-Autopwn – Deploys JSP shell on target JBoss servers
Websploit – Scans & analyses remote systems for vulnerabilities
Wireless Exploitation Tools
Bluepot – Bluetooth honeypot
Spooftooph – Spoofs or clones Bluetooth devices
Fern-Wifi-cracker – Gui for testing Wireless encryption strength
Wi-fihoney – Creates fake APs using all encryption and monitors with Airodump
Wifite – Automated wireless auditor
Password Tools
2. BackBox Linux
backbox penetration testing linux distributions
backbox penetration testing linux distributions

BackBox is getting most liked by the day. Similar to BackTrack , BackBox Linux is an Ubuntu-based submitting designed to complete transmission checks along with safety tests. This builders state that the particular intention having BackBox is usually to make a pentesting distro that is certainly fast and easy to use. BackBox is equipped with quite a concise seeking pc atmosphere along with generally seems to perform perfectly. Like the various other distros BackBox is usually kept up to date for the newest steady versions of the most extremely generally utilised along with best-known honourable hacking equipment by way of repositories.

BackBox features every one of the usual think regarding Forensic Evaluation, Paperwork & Exposure along with Opposite Architectural having equipment similar to ettercap, steve, metasploit, nmap, Cultural Architectural Toolkit, sleuthkit, w3af, wireshark, etc.
3. NodeZero
nodezero penetration testing linux distributions
nodezero penetration testing linux distributions

Like BackTrack, NodeZero is definitely an Ubuntu based distro useful for transmission tests employing repositories thus each time Ubuntu lets out a new patch due to the pesky insects, you also are generally advised with regard to program messages or even renovations. Node Actually zero had been famous due to the add-on regarding THC IPV6 Invasion Toolkit such as instruments similar to alive6, detect-new-ip6, dnsdict6, etc, although I believe why these nights BackTrack 5r3 also incorporates most of these instruments.

Although BackTrack is usually recognized to be a “run-everywhere” distro, i. elizabeth. managing this dwell, NodeZero Linux (which will also be manage live) claim that the particular distros genuine toughness originates from a hard put in. NodeZero, into their unique phrases, feel that a new transmission tester “requires a strong and also useful program [achieved simply by using] a new distribution that's a long lasting setting up, that will advantages of a strong number of instruments, incorporated using a dependable linux setting. Sounds cool. Previously attempted this? Tell us in the comments under.

4.Samurai Web Testing Framework
Samurai Web Testing Framework penetration testing linux distributions
Samurai Web Testing Framework penetration testing linux distributions
This is a live linux distro that has been pre-configured with some of the best of open source and free tools that focus on testing and attacking websites. (The difference with Samurai Web Testing Framework is that it focuses on attacking (and therefore being able to defend) websites. The developers outline four steps of a web pen-test. These steps are incorporated within the distro and contain the necessary tools to complete the task.

5. Blackbuntu

Blackbuntu penetration testing linux distributions
Blackbuntu penetration testing linux distributions

Yes, as the name clearly suggests, this is yet another distro that is based on Ubuntu. Here is a list of Security and Penetration Testing tools – or rather categories available within the Blackbuntu package, (each category has many sub categories) but this gives you a general idea of what comes with this pentesting distro: Information Gathering, Network Mapping, Vulnerability Identification, Penetration, Privilege Escalation, Maintaining Access, Radio Network Analysis, VoIP Analysis, Digital Forensic, Reverse Engineering and a Miscellanious section. This list is hardly revolutionary but the tools contained within might be different to the other distros.

this is the best penetration testing linux distributions part 2

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